2025 IT Skills Demand and Pay Trends Report (free to existing customers only)
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These completely updated quarterly data-driven reports--distributed free every 90 days to all Foote Partners active customers--track in-depth quantitative supply/demand and pay trends in current tech labor markets for 1,354 certified and non-certified IT skills and also accurately forecasts future demand against supply. All skills premium pay data and market trend research comes from Foote Partners' benchmark research group that closely monitors and collects data from 4,480 public and private sector organizations representing more than 40 private sector industries and government and educational institutions.
2025 IT Skills Demand and Pay Trends Report™ and 2025 IT Skills Pay Volatility Index™. Foote Partners most popular benchmark survey, the IT Skills & Certifications Pay Index™, serves as the foundation or these two completely unique market intelligence reports, updated and published every 90 days. 80+ pages of deep dive data tables, analytical graphs and charts, and market insights on 3/6/12 month pay performance for skills and certifications; highest-paying; hottest/coldest skills and jobs and other insights from the most recent quarterly data collection. Focused analysis of topics such as Artificial Intelligence, Cloud/Edge, Big Data Analytics, Automation, Cybersecurity, Healthcare tech, Digital Development and other high-momentum tech skills and jobs gaining(or losing) value in 2025.
With these valuable reports you'll find out what's hot (and cold) in the tech labor market and what's driving the decisions of employers in matching skills requirements to business requirements.
- DECISIONS: If I delay the acquisition of specific skills and people currently budgeted for the several months, will it end up costing me more, less, or the same down the road?
- HIGHEST PAYING, HARDEST TO FIND: What are the highest paying tech skills and certifications? Will they get harder to find and more expensive to acquire in the next several months?
- RETENTION WOES: For which jobs and skills am I most at risk for recruiters poaching my people?
- PAY PERFORMANCE: For 1,354 of the most popular tech skills and certifications, which ones gained or lost value, and by precisely how much, in the past 3, 6, 12, and 24 months?
- VOLATILITY: How have economic conditions refocused workforce and staffing strategies and tactics, resulting in the highest volatility in skills pay and demand since 2001?
- HIGH PAY, HIGH GROWTH SKILLS: Which skills and certifications are so hot that they are earning a high pay premium and are still gaining market value in 2025?
Included in all analyses are: