2025 IT Skills & Certifications Pay Index
Since 1999, the industry's only comprehensive survey of compensation and market demand for individual certified and noncertified IT and IT-business hybrid skills. The IT Skills and Certifications Pay Index™ (ITSCPI) reports market values and pay adjustments for 1,354 individual IT and business skills and certifications earned by 101,182 North American IT workers. Data is fully updated from 4,480 reporting employers every 90 days.
Use the IT Skills and Certifications Pay Index™ to adjust pay for workers who share the same job title but have distinctly different on-the-job content that affects their market value. Or to justify additional cash compensation for people you're trying to retain or hire. You can also use this data to set competitive rates for your consultants based on demand for their skills. If you're using the services of consulting firms, keep them honest and don't overpay for consultant talent by knowing what IT skills are worth in the marketplace and how those values have changed over the past 3, 6, 9, and 12 months.
All purchasers of the ITSCPI™ will receive our award-winning IT Skills Demand and Pay Trends, IT Skills & Certifications Volatility Index, and IT Skills HOT LIST Forecast market intelligence reports at no extra charge updated every three months for as long as their account is active. Find out how the most in-demand skills and certs have changed in market value the last 3, 6, and 12 months; which are the highest (and lowest) paying; track market volatility of IT skills; us our pay and demand forecasts to gauge which skills will cost you more in the near future; and use our rolling historical data analyses of the past two years of ITSCPI™ to make adjustments to skills pay premiums currently in effect.
ALL DATA REPORTS IN EXCEL FORMAT | 2025 data collected/compiled through January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1 with updates published every 90 days.